
I’m Maggi Mei

Food / Lifestyle / Travel Blogger

A big mouthed food and lifestyle blogger, based in Vancouver, B.C., discovering what the world has to offer through dining, travel, and new experiences. 


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Best Classy Restaurants In Vancouver
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We ruined this experience by first visiting the original Suren location, and holding it in such high regards. …

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Best in Class Restaurants

I eat out often and have been known to order dishes based on how they are plated and request cocktails based on how they look. I tell it like how it is, becuase I know no other way. I hope you find it all as entertaining as I think I am in person. I also apologize if I end up hurting feelings, but everything I write of is straight from my own perspective. And perception is reality.
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Fairmont Vancouver ‘s Notch 8 restaurant and bar is back with another themed high tea. …

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Vancouver’s culinary and restaurant scene is fickle. Trends come and go, and fads fade; so …

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Today we were attending the first ever Vancouver Foodster hosted cooking class, (that I am …

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Tonight we were invited to Brentwood’s, newest restaurant: Bow & Stern, a day before it …

8E3A31B0 772B 4C12 BC21 5509AD0B2D74

We ruined this experience by first visiting the original Suren location, and holding it in …

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We were in Abbotsford looking for a bite for breakfast. There are so many delicious …

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I am willing to try everything at least once. I write often and update daily.

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